I do hereby acknowledge that I on the 14th day of July, 2018 will voluntarily participate in an event known as CCFR Community Outreach Mud Volleyball Tournament.
I further acknowledge that I have been advised of the rules, understand them, and will abide by these rules while involved in the event.
Now, therefore, in consideration for my being permitted to participate in the as CCFR Community Outreach Mud Volleyball Tournament, I voluntarily and knowingly assume the risk for any injuries or damages that may be sustained during the pursuit of my activities or while on any of the properties owned or controlled by Central County Fire & Rescue. I further, with the intention of binding myself, my spouse, my heirs, legal representatives and assigns, do hereby voluntarily and knowingly remise, release, and forever discharge and hold harmless Central County Fire and Rescue, its officers, members and employees from actions, suits, damages, claims or judgements that may result from damages or any personal injury which I sustain while participating in this event.
I have read and fully understand the provisions of this release and have voluntarily and knowingly execute said release with the express intention of effecting the extinguishment of claims and liability herein designated. I also understand that it is my responsibility to thoroughly and completely follow instructions given to me and my participation may be terminated at any time for breach of instructions.
The provisions of this release shall prevail until revoked in writing to me, but in no event shall these provisions extend beyond 12:01 a.m. on the 15th day of July, 2018.
I also understand and acknowledge that the event will be conducted in whole or in part on privately owned property. In the event that I or someone for whom I am responsible, causes damage to any property beyond that which is expected in the normal course of an event of this nature, I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Central County Fire and Rescue, its commissioners, officers, agents, successors, and assigns from any and all claims made as a result of the damage. I further agree and understand that this indemnification and hold harmless clause shall survive the above referenced termination clause and shall continue in full force and effect until six months after any applicable statutes of limitations shall have expired.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand all the above statements, and by pressing the “accept” link below, accept and agree to all the above terms and further understand that this is a legal binding agreement.